Sunday, July 12, 2009

Top Traffic Building Tips

“Wisdom is what’s left after we’ve run out of personal opinions.”
Cullen Hightower
When searching for the best available listing of top traffic tips the path the task is not as easy as it appears. The journey is filled with detours that lead to a mixture of logical sounding opinions often masquerading as facts. However once you narrow your focus to the basics, there are proven steps one can take to drive robust streams of traffic on a daily basis.
In my coaching sessions I like to suggest that newbies as well seasoned promoters keep a mixture of old school and contemporary/high tech traffic generators in their arsenal of traffic drivers.
My favorite old school methods are solo ads, banners and article marketing. Here’s a closer look at the details.
1. Solo Ads… A solo ad is an exclusive mailing sent out by itself to an entire subscriber database. Most often these ads are blasted to a highly concentrated list containing thousands of opt-in subscribers. The returns will average 2% or higher depending on the quality of the name list and timing of the campaign.
2. Banners have moved high and low in popularity over the years. It is not unusual to read an expert’s opinion indicating they are a waste of time and money. On the other hand you’ll see banner ads everywhere, even appearing as pop-ups on major advertiser’s pages. You will definitely experience success from maintaining a well placed banner campaign. My recommendation is to budget approximately 10% of your monthly ad budget for banner advertising. Naturally you will want to track your results.
3. Article Marketing is a natural addition to your old school advertising arsenal. There are several competitive factors that keep the big guys ahead of the pack. One formidable factor is their credibility. Sheer size alone builds credibility for many major players. By creating an article marketing campaign you can build your own base of credibility and yield very impressive returns for the effort.
There is no underground pathway to increasing the flow of traffic to your website regardless of what the latest guru may be spouting. Increasing your traffic is a hard work type of process that requires your complete focus. When you begin you want to have a plan of action with measurable steps.
1.Understand the ins and outs of search engines and don’t use outdated guides to direct how your invest your time and money. The major engines change their algorithms without notice. This requires a certain amount of nimbleness on your part in addition to good information.
2.Do not be too quick to discount the impact of Blogs. If you don’t have a half dozen or so active blogs you’ve got work to do right away. Even major players like Nike, GM, Victoria’s Secret to name a few, are discovering the power of blogs. Get busy with your research and surf a few hours each day to discover the numerous ways blogs are being used to generate credibility and traffic to a variety of business sites.
To summarize I’ll add a few tips for short cutting your path to building volumes of traffic to your sites.
1. Learn to increase backlinks by the dozen with each ad you create.
2. Market yourself.
3. Start writing articles to build your credibility and to tap into #1 & #2.
4. Get your articles published online and spread them out.
5. Write your plan in big letters across a stack of 3 X 5 cards and read them everyday until you’ve worn them out. Then re-write the batch with updates and repeat the process.
6. Give yourself a 90 day goal and don’t take a break until the morning of the 91st day.
I have never had a client fail to experience a measurable increase in their income who followed the above step. There is no reason for your experience to be different….if you duplicate the steps!
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